Discover! Creative Careers Week 2024

How to get involved

How to get involved in Discover! Creative Careers Week 2024

Activities and events that take place during Discover! Creative Careers Week can be organised by employers, individuals, local authorities or careers networks.  

Involvement can be light touch or more comprehensive. We've included some suggested ways to take part below and you can explore our industry toolkit for activity suggestions, planning tips and much more. 

You could:

  • Take part in the #discovercreativecareers campaign and showcase your existing careers resources

  • Use the week to launch new career offers and programmes for young people (see One Dance UK 2023)

  • Introduce the different roles and pathways available in your sector by hosting a careers talk or Q+A with staff from different departments (online or in-person)

  • Visit a school to give a talk in assembly

  • Open your workplace up for local school and college tours (see Shakespeare North Playhouse 2023)

  • Host a workshop or activity that demonstrates the skills needed for a role in your sector (see RIBA 2023)

  • Get in touch with Speakers for Schools and volunteer to host an online session as part of the virtual Discover! Creative Careers Week 2024

Interested? Next steps